Box Elder Wood

box elder wood

Box Elder

  • Domestic hardwood found in most states
  • Light Color often with pink/red spalting
  • Used for turning, small furniture projects, accents

Also Know As:

Acer Negundo, Ash-leaved maple, Boxelder maple, Manitoba maple, Red River Maple, Fresno De Guanaco

box elder wood

Characteristics of Box Elder

About The 
Box Elder Species

Boxelder is a soft, fast-growing maple tree native the the US. Box elder can survive for 75 to 100 years. Sometimes called “Ash-leaved Maple”, they are generally considered a “weedy” tree. The red stain is produced by the tree’s natural defenses when wounded. It is thought that this compound is meant to inhabit the growth of fungus that commonly colonizes the tree. Much of the reddish coloring, sometimes called “flame”, becomes a more subdued pink or brown/gray upon drying.

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If you plan to visit makers wood shop to view live edge boards, we ask you to call ahead and provide a list of boards you want to view. Then, we will arrange an appointment and have the selected slabs ready to be viewed.  We look forward to showing you our selection!

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