Experience Unmatched
Cigar Ashtray Craftsmanship

personalize Your Cigar Ashtray with our custom engraving

Our skilled artisans can engrave a variety of designs, from initials and monograms to intricate patterns and logos, ensuring your cigar ashtray is truly one-of-a-kind.

Logos or symbols

Showcase your love for a particular brand or symbol that brings back memories.

Quotes & Sayings

Choose a favorite quote or phrase that resonates with you or the recipient of the gift.

Significant Dates

Commemorate a special date, such as a wedding anniversary or the day you smoked your first cigar, by engraving it on your ashtray.

Our Custom Cigar Ashtrays are made by hand with premium wood & custom formed high heat epoxy

Craft Your Own Unique Cigar Ash Tray at Makers Woodshop!

For those looking for a truly unique piece, we offer custom made cigar ash trays made to order. It usually takes us 2-3 weeks from order to craft our one-of-a-kind


Black Walnut- makers woodshop


Cherry Wood


Discover Our Handpicked Epoxy Shades: White, Charcoal Grey, and Purple

While our talented team can whip up any color you can think of, we offer three handpicked, versatile epoxy colors: Charcoal Grey, Purple, & White, to complement our high-quality wood choices and add a modern touch to your unique piece.

Dark Charcoal

Dark Charcoal epoxy

Purple Epoxy

Purple Epoxy

White Epoxy

White epoxy

It's what your man Cave is missing | Order Today!

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